Practical Application for a Biblical Worldview

Introducing A POWERFUL New Book!

Introducing A POWERFUL New Book!

Today’s Church is drowning in a sea of confusion. Amidst a world filled with lies, half-truths, and outright diabolic deceptions, the people of God are crying out for biblical clarity over a vast array of issues. 

This book is predicated upon fundamental biblical principles in ten areas of life, and is meant to persuade any and all, that the Bible addresses EVERY issue of life (2 Peter 1:3) and, as such, the churches should consider seriously the consequences of not addressing these key issues with the Word of God. 

Political Theology, Pt. 4 - Puritanism and the Law of God

Political Theology, Pt. 4 - Puritanism and the Law of God

Political Theology: Puritanism and the Law of God What Happens When a Nation Rejects God’s Laws––and What Can We Do About It? Note: The following ...

Living Victoriously in Today’ s War Zone

Living Victoriously in Today’ s War Zone

We’re living in World War III—an all-out attack against the Christian Church, the Christian faith and families everywhere. Can we turn this around...

What Happens When the Church Retreats from the Culture

What Happens When the Church Retreats from the Culture

And how shall God’s people respond?   As we approach the critical elections of 2024, it is vital that Christians carefully consider the role of th...

Made in God's Image, Part 2 - The Identity of Man

Made in God's Image, Part 2 - The Identity of Man

Introductory Remarks This is the second (Part 2) in a series on biblical anthropology— or the doctrine of man. We opened the series by discussing ...

To MASK or Not to Mask?

To MASK or Not to Mask?

(If you were directed here from Roger's email, scroll down to the paragraph "I have been in some trouble for supposedly making too much of the las...

C-Virus – To Vaccinate or not?

C-Virus – To Vaccinate or not?

(If you were directed here from Roger's email, scroll down to "OUR SUMMARY of White Paper On Experimental Vaccines For COVID-19” From the beginni...

Brave (Illiterate) New World

Brave (Illiterate) New World

America seems almost as divided today as it was during the Civil War... WHY? We worry: Why are we so polarized? (this is getting scary!) We wonde...

The Paradigm Shift

The Paradigm Shift

We’re Falling Fast I. The Church in America is in Dire Straits It is common knowledge that the Christian church in America has been under heavy at...