Who Is It For?
Individuals, Families, Churches, Christian Schools, and Homeschool Organizations
These materials are designed for ages 9-90. They are very effective when implemented in group studies among families in a daily devotion setting; among teens in a Middle and High School format; or among adults in a home-group structure.
The Worldview Series
You Are What You Think Textbook Series contains every word spoken in the video series with 20% additional material added.
The textbooks can be implemented with or without the videos, and contain challenging and engaging study questions as well. The aim is to get all participants talking about the ideas of God in comparison to the opposing ideas of the world—to discern the good from the evil. Answer keys are available for download on our website.
Thinking Like a Christian Video Series consists of roughly 13 hours of biblical worldview instruction divided into 12 key subjects of life (approx. 1-hour each, divided into 10-15-minute segments daily). This series can be used as a video tool only, accompanied by Study Guides containing questions designed to engage all who watch. As with the textbook series, the aim is to get all participants talking about the ideas of God in comparison to the opposing ideas of the world—to discern the good from the evil. Answer keys are available for download on our website.
Subjects Covered
What is a Worldview and Why Does It Matter? The Christian View of: History, Theology, Philosophy, Economics, Science, Psychology, Ethics, Sociology, Law, Politics, Education.
See our overview of the series, for a closer look into each section of the course, including some sample video from the courses themselves.
GTI Ministries-History and Methods
After 35 years serving in leadership in four denominations, God gave our family a bird’s eye view of the drowning church in America. Seeing children, families, churches, and the nation fall away from God has been heartbreaking. These resources are God's answer to our prayers for a means of equipping the church to not just survive—but thrive—amidst the battle of ideas attacking from all directions. Our method of teaching is to “indoctrinate and inoculate”, meaning: Indoctrinate the learners with the fundamental doctrines (principles, precepts, truths) of the Bible in each of 12 areas of life and inoculate them by comparing and contrasting the biblical worldview against the opposing worldviews attacking the church today. As the family or church wrestles with those radical ideas, they will not be deceived and taken captive by them when they leave the sanctuary of the home. WE BATTLE IDEAS! This method prepares the students to critically think through all ideas using the Bible as their key source of knowledge and wisdom.