"Bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ"

II Corinthians 10

"You Are What You Think" Biblical Worldview Textbooks and Videos

Connecting the Dots Between Scripture and the Real World

WE ARE EXCITED to introduce our NEW "You Are What You Think" Video series to work hand-in-hand with these textbooks. 

The videos are now available in DVD, Thumbdrive, or STREAMED (You Tube or Vimeo) 



 Available also in Textbooks only (no Video)

Series 1 and 2 TEXTBOOKS - contains all 12 subjects

Series 1 contains these subjects:

  1. What is a Worldview and Why Does It Matter?
  2. The Christian Worldview of History
  3. The Christian Worldview of Theology
  4. The Christian Worldview of Philosophy
  5. The Christian Worldview of Economics
  6. The Christian Worldview of Science

Series 2 contains these subjects:

  1. The Christian Worldview of Psychology
  2. The Christian Worldview of Ethics
  3. The Christian Worldview of Sociology
  4. The Christian Worldview of Law
  5. The Christian Worldview of Politics
  6. The Christian Worldview of Education

To see a preview of the contents of Series 1, click HERE


FREE Answer keys for BOTH TEXTBOOK Series:




"You Are What You Think" Biblical Worldview VIDEOS

Created to augment the "You Are What You Think" TEXTBOOK or BOOKLET series'.

Custom segmented to match each lesson in either the 12-subject Textbooks or single-subject Booklets 

Each video segment averages approximately 8 minutes (some slightly shorter, some longer). 

Available in 3 formats (choose at checkout): DVD, Streaming, or Thumb Drive



Using the Videos along with the Textbooks combines both visual learning and reading comprehension, providing a double presentation of the teaching - enhancing the ability to process and retain the information.

There is a great need for Christians of all ages to be equipped with answers to battle against the evil ideas attacking us from all directions today! Thus, our purpose for providing this curriculum is to help you lead others through these vital biblical worldview lessons more easily and efficiently.

The You Are What You Think textbooks are a "hybrid" text version of the Thinking Like a Christian Video Series, which present the biblical worldview in 12 key subjects of life. We use the word "hybrid" because we have added about 15% more material in the textbook series than is in the video series. 

Answer Keys are downloadable online at no cost. Just CLICK HERE and scroll down to "FREE Answer Keys) 

Use with Homeschool and private school teens, college students, and Church study groups. public school teens and as a Christian supplemental aid to combat public school bias.