Practical Application for a Biblical Worldview
Introducing A POWERFUL New Book!
Today’s Church is drowning in a sea of confusion. Amidst a world filled with lies, half-truths, and outright diabolic deceptions, the people of God are crying out for biblical clarity over a vast array of issues.
This book is predicated upon fundamental biblical principles in ten areas of life, and is meant to persuade any and all, that the Bible addresses EVERY issue of life (2 Peter 1:3) and, as such, the churches should consider seriously the consequences of not addressing these key issues with the Word of God.
Political Theology, Pt. 4 - Puritanism and the Law of God
Political Theology: Puritanism and the Law of God
What Happens When a Nation Rejects God’s Laws––and What Can We Do About It?
Note: The following ...
Living Together Before Marriage: Key to the Collapse of Our Culture
Hosea 4:6 states: My people perish from lack of knowledge.
This is no small statement for God to make, as it concerns ALL those who would...