Worldview Group Study #1 - Leader's PACKET
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Contains (1) Leader's DVD and (6) Participant Study #1 books.
1) What is a Worldview and Why Does It Matter?
- What if Christ never lived? We examine the amazing, transforming, and liberating effects Christianity has had upon the entire world, and look at the root causes of why Christians are having so little effect in our world today. What percentage of Christians hold a Biblical Worldview?
2) The Christian Worldview of HISTORY
- Whatever worldview we base our lives upon must have a reliable foundation. How reliable, then, is the Bible compared to other ancient religions? Is there any proof that God is still working in America in the same way as He did in Israel of old?
The DVD is divided into 14 short videos (4-8 minutes each) with a printed study guide for each video. The estimated time for viewing a video and discussing the study questions may vary from 40-60 minutes per session (a session is one video plus the study questions). . The group can watch and discuss one or two videos per meeting, depending on how much time is allotted for discussion. The questions are design to encourage critical thinking and applying the biblical principles to everyday life in today's world.
We believe your group will be both challenged and inspired to live their lives in such a way that their families, friends, and acquaintances will be affected by their influence.
Everything you need to conduct a powerful, engaging, and challenging Biblical Worldview Study that can change lives!
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