A Christian View of Man and Politics
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Man was made to rule—to have dominion over the earth. Rulership is a constitutive element of image-bearing; it is fundamental to man’s purpose and destiny vis-à-vis the cultural mandate. Moreover, because rulership is inherently political, man—as God’s representative ruler upon the earth—is likewise inherently political. To be made in the image of God is to hold a political office; thus, the subject of political theology is of immense importance. It is incumbent upon us as Christians to understand politics within the framework of a biblical worldview, if we are to rule well as God’s restored image-bearers.
Yet, tragically, the default mentality of most Christians is, “Thou shalt not talk about politics.” Indeed, many Christians have been explicitly taught from the pulpit to eschew political discussion altogether. The result of this unbiblical thinking is an America that has been slowly but steadily collapsing into wickedness and lawlessness, as Christians have progressively abandoned their political heritage. It is long overdue that Christians overcome their ill-founded misgivings when it comes to the topic of politics.