How Do You Know: Sensation or Revelation?
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By B.J. Wheelock.

How do you know something is true? Is something true only if it can be verified by the senses? Unfortunately, the philosophy of Empiricism, which holds that all knowledge is derived through sensory experience, is the prevailing view of our society.
Consequently, the word of the scientist has become the final authority on what is knowable. If one cites a scientific study as the source of his truth claim, he is wise, but if one quotes from the Bible as the source of his truth claim, he is not only an ignorant fool, he is an evil, intolerant religious fanatic. Such is the day and age in which the Christian lives.
Therefore, the purpose of this book is to determine how we come to have knowledge. Is knowledge entirely dependent upon the eyes of men (sensation), or is knowledge entirely dependent upon the mouth of God (revelation)? The author answers the empirical fool according to his own folly, arguing that apart from revelation, man would be unable to gain any knowledge from his sensory experiences, and there would be no basis for scientific investigation. Revelation, not sensation, is the foundation for knowing; thus, the Christian walks by faith, not by sight.
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(246 Pages)