How to Love Your Neighbor With Your Vote
This is truly the most consequential election in our lifetime, yet barely half of Christians are planning to vote!
Dr. George Barna, who has been researching Christian trends for over 40 years states, “I’m heartbroken by my latest research showing that only 51% of “people of faith” are likely to vote in November—and a full 32 million Christians who regularly attend church probably won't vote. Apathy among Christian voters could be the deciding factor this election.”
One half of the two greatest commands of Christ is, “You shall love you neighbor as yourself.” And when we refuse to vote biblically in an election that can result in our loss of freedom of speech and religion, and being forced to support abortion, gender surgery on children without parental permission, and so much more, we will be held responsible. As Ezekiel 33:7-8 proclaims, “I have made a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. If I say to the wicked, O wicked one, you shall surely die, and you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from his way, that wicked person shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.” We MUST speak out Christian values to this nation. This is not optional. Christians are to be the conscience of the nation!
Many Christians refrain from voting because they don’t like the choices before them, but that is no excuse.
We’re not voting for a perfect King—we already have One. We must vote for the candidate whose policies align most closely with the Bible, and in this election the choice for President couldn’t be clearer. Just consider which candidate will likely fill their cabinet with Christians and which will have none? (Note: These cabinet administrators yield immense power over policy, law and justice for the next four years+!). We’ve seen lawlessness thrive the last four years—if we empower another administration to follow the current one, the damage will be on us for staying silent.
An acquaintance of mine, Mark Shepard, who is a former GOP 2-term state Senator from the state of Vermont, recently created a website, affordableandsaferamerica.com, to address the main questions a Christian might ask in this vital topic. Specifically, he details the difference in the policies and effects of the two presidential candidates regarding:
• Energy Cost and Inflation
• Border with Mexico
• Wars and Stability
• Democracy in America
Maybe you are clear in how you'll vote. If so, confirm your reasoning by viewing Mr. Shephard’s well-researched website, then pass it along to friends who might be unsure. Again, the site is, affordableandsaferamerica.com
May God be glorified in this critical time in America’s history!!