Now available: FREE from Greater Than I Ministries Biblical Worldview Resources!
- FREE- NEW Answer Keys for Series #1 Study Guide Workbook. These downloadable PDF files are available now on our website by clicking HERE. Answer Keys will provide easy-to-locate responses for every question in the Workbook that you may be unsure of.
NOTE: The Answer keys for Series #2 will be available sometime in September. We’ll let you know!
- FREE- Video excerpts from the Thinking Like a Christian are available for you to watch or pass on to friends who may be interested in knowing the Christian Worldview in some of the most hot-button topics of today. Just go to and watch for FREE with no obligations attached! And you’ll find resources from many other world-renowned ministries also available for free.
Here is a sampling of the short clips/subjects we’ve uploaded so far:
- Worldview: How Christianity Changed the World
- Worldview: What a Difference a Worldview Makes
- Worldview: The 5,000 Year Leap – the Power of the Biblical Worldview
- Economics: Socialism vs Capitalism – Should We Tax the Rich More?
- Economics: 4 Basic Principles of Biblical Economics
- Economics: What is Economic Justice, and Why is It Important for Us to Know?
- Economics: The Christian View of Government-run Healthcare
- Science: Can the Sensory World Give Us Truth?
- Psychology: The Shaping of the Modern Mind – How the Psychology is being used to eliminate critical thinking
- Psychology: If Your God is the God of Love, Why is There So Much Suffering in the World?
- Psychology: What is the Nature of Man – Bad or Good?
- Politics: Politics in the Pulpit – A Historical Perspective
- Politics: Who Was Involved in Politics in the Bible?
Coming Soon:
- History: How Reliable is the Bible Compared to All Other Ancient Literature?
- History: The Amazing Prophecy of Babylon and How It Was Fulfilled
- History: The Amazing Prophecy of Tyre and How It Was Fulfilled
- History: Was Ben Franklin Really a Deist?
…And Lots more to follow